Our Mission
Our mission is to proactively represent our members who are employed in an Administrative, Supervisory, or Professional capacity to their employers regarding all matters of compensation, benefits, working conditions, and other employment issues.
Dedicated to the Principles of:
Effectiveness as a Bargaining Unit
Economic Security
Employment Security
Quality of Work Life
Our Values
Everything WAPSO does will be able to stand the test of scrutiny by the members and the Manitoba Labour Board. The Executive Committee commits itself and individual members of the Executive Committee to ethical, businesslike and lawful conduct including proper use of decorum when acting as a member of the Executive Committee of WAPSO.
Integrity and Honesty
These will be the hallmarks of all conduct when dealing with colleagues within WAPSO and equally when dealing with members and employers.
WAPSO strives to maintain an atmosphere of openness throughout the organization to promote confidence of members, staff and employers.

Our Executive Board
Executive Officers
Richard Mahé
City of Winnipeg - Planning, Property & Development
1st Vice-President
Michael Robinson, AICP RPP
City of Winnipeg - Planning, Property & Development
2nd Vice-President
Laura Rempel
City of Winnipeg - Water & Waste
Ashleigh Campbell, CPA
City of Winnipeg - Water & Waste
Andres Villafana
City of Winnipeg - Corporate Services
Xiaowen Hao
City of Winnipeg - Planning, Property & Development
Nelson Maurer
City of Winnipeg - Transit
Jennifer Graham
City of Winnipeg - Transit
Zeljko Bodiroga
City of Winnipeg - Water & Waste
Andrew Condon
City of Winnipeg - Public Works
Patricia Bishop,
City of Winnipeg - Assessment & Taxation
Danielle Carriere
City of Winnipeg - Indigenous Relations Division

Our History
A brief outline of the history of our Association has been compiled, for the information of our present members, and for those who will become members in the future.
Although the records are incomplete. It is evident that the struggle by supervisory and professional employees for recognition by the City Of Winnipeg was a long one-dating well back into the 1950's. and encompassing several separate informal "Associations" of both administrative and professional employees, working for the City.
The most active of these Associations appears to have been the professional group, originally known as "The Engineering and Architectural Group of Civic Employees", subsequently renamed "City Engineering and Hydro Professional Employees" and then, "The Winnipeg Professional Employees Association". Over the years, this group approached the City with letters and briefs in an effort to secure recognition of their Association, so that they might have "... a direct line of communication in presenting sound viewpoints. Attitudes and information on the status of our Members relating to their employment with the City of Winnipeg. Our Association was developed with two main objectives in mind. Firstly, the Association through its contact with Winnipeg City Council or its Representatives could promote a better understanding of some basic problems which we felt have existed for some time and which should be resolved. Secondly, and no less important than the first objective, this Association is vitally interested and concerned with the attainment of the objectives of the Winnipeg Corporation -- namely, quality and efficiency of services. Our sincere desire is to develop this line of communication with an air of mutual confidence and professionalism." (Quote from a letter to the City dated March 7, 1967.)
Each approach to the City by the various "groups** met with negative results. At one point the Committee on Utilities and Personnel (of the old City of Winnipeg) and the Mayor, recommended that all the supervisory and professional groups amalgamate to form one unit.
So it was, that on August 5, 1969. the various "groups" did amalgamate into the (City of) Winnipeg Association Of Public Service Officers, with a paid-up membership of 183. which represented 75% of the 243 persons eligible. However, despite a request to City Council that the newly formed Association be recognized "for the purpose of conducting negotiations". Council agreed on September 22, 1969. to "accept the City of Winnipeg Association of Public Service Officers as being representative of those employees not covered by the present union agreements and will receive representations from the Association on behalf of its membership to discuss matters rather than conduct negotiations".
Thus, formal recognition was still denied, and during the fall of 1969 and through 1970, investigations were made by the Association into the possibility of certification by the Department of Labour. At that time It was learned that the City could recognize the Association as a bargaining agent without the formality of certification by the Department of Labour, and that such recognition, once granted, would be binding. It was also learned, however, that under the then labour laws, the majority of employees belonging to the Association would be deemed by the Labour Board to be excluded from any certified bargaining unit.
Rather than fragment the Association and seek certification for only those employees who were eligible under the then labour laws, the Association made representation to the Provincial Government, requesting changes to the labour laws to allow middle-management employees the "democratic right of Collective Negotiation". Some two years later, on July 20, 1972, the Provincial Government passed "Bill 81" of The Labour Relations Act, which was to become effective on January 1. 1973 and which would clear the way for application for certification of the "intact" Association.
Although the Association was now armed with the legal right to seek certification in order to enter into collective bargaining with the City of Winnipeg, it indicated to the Board of Commissioners that, as stated ... "on previous occasions it is the wish of our membership to endeavour to achieve this collective bargaining as a result of voluntary agreement between the City of Winnipeg and the W.A.P.S.O.". (Quote from letter dated August 3, 1973.)
Finally, negotiations for a contract began, and in the summer of 1974, the long struggle for recognition culminated with the signing of a formal Agreement between the City and the Association for the years 1973-1974 and subsequently, contracts have been signed for each successive year.
Our Staff
Val Verity
Administrative Assistant
(204) 925-4129
Saadia Maryam
Membership Services
(204) 925-4120
Keith Bellamy
Executive Director
(204) 925-4127
Brenda-Lee Johnstone
Labour Relations Officer
(204) 925-4126

WAPSO-IFPTE Local 162 is an affiliate of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), which has been a great resource over the years, providing us with best practices, bargaining support, and guidance on a variety of issues. They also provide us access to a network of other organized professionals both in Canada and in the United States.
The IFPTE is a non-profit, employee-based umbrella labour organization made up of several autonomous affiliates, founded in 1918. IFPTE advocates on behalf of more than 80,000 employees, primarily in professional and technical positions, including all engineering disciplines, along with a wide variety of scientific and research professions, medical techs, lawyers, administrative judges, and economists all within the private, public, and federal sectors.