Member Resources & Benefits
Even if the WAPSO is your union, everyone in your workplace still has to fill out a membership application to officially become a WAPSO member. Applications can only be signed if your position is already represented by WAPSO bargaining unit.
How to become an active WAPSO member.
Just follow these three easy steps:
1. Contact our Membership Services and they will send you an application form. You can also fill out an online form here. Note: please do not use your work email address or else we won't be able to update you on the latest news and updates.
2. Fill the form out completely. Remember to print carefully and sign and date at the bottom.
3. Return the application to 2705-83 Garry Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4J9
2022 City/WAPSO Professional Development Fund *Deadline for Applications Friday, September 16, 2022*
The City/WAPSO Professional Development Fund Committee is happy to announce that applications can now be made for reimbursement of educational opportunities with registration payments occurring between January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022. The deadline for applications is Friday, September 16, 2022.
Click on Learn more to find out about the Principles for the 2022 Professional Development Fund and the application process.
City of Winnipeg/WAPSO newly Ratified Collective Agreement
The collective agreement ratification vote was conducted in August 2020 and the agreement has been ratified by the membership.
To download a copy of the City of Winnipeg/WAPSO 2020-2023 Collective Agreement please click on the button below. If you are unable to access the document please contact the WAPSO office (204) 925-4120.
City of Winnipeg/WAPSO 2015 - 2019 Collective Agreement
To download a copy of the City of Winnipeg/WAPSO 2015-2019 Collective Agreement please click on the button below. If you are unable to access the document please contact the WAPSO office (204) 925-4120
William S. Comstock Scholarship
WAPSO-IFPTE Local 162 will award one scholarship of $500 to a dependent child or stepchild of a WAPSO member enrolled in their first year of post-secondary education. The first scholarship was approved by the WAPSO Board of Directors at its October 20, 2016 meeting and renamed the William S. Comstock Scholarship on May 27th, 2019.
Dominick D. Critelli, Jr. Annual Scholarships
IFPTE offers four (4) scholarships a year to children and grandchildren of current IFPTE members. Learn more about Dominick D. Critelli, Jr. Annual Scholarships.
Tapper Cuddy LLP
Members who remain in good standing with local 162 can receive a 20% discount on fees for simple legal matters in the following areas: Wills/Estates, Domestic/Family Matters, Real Estate, and Criminal Matters. If and/or when a particular matter becomes more complex, the member will be expected to pay full rates and it will be at the respective lawyer’s discretion as to when that occurs.
Contact Numbers are as follows:
Wills / Estates Kevin Schulz (Tapper Cuddy LLP) 204.944.3258
Domestic / Family Tyler Grant (Tapper Cuddy LLP) 204.944.3270
Real Estate Brett Williams (Tapper Cuddy LLP) 204.944.3277
Criminal Matters Evan Roitenberg 204.985.8199 (Ginden Wolson Simmons Roitenberg)
Members will need to indicate at the time of the initial contact that they are a union member and the name of the union/local.
Park’N Fly Discount Program
WAPSO is now up and running as a corporate client with Park’N Fly.
Just mention this discount number every time you check out, or simply use your rewards card which holds the discount number by following the process below. The discount number with Park’N Fly is 964605.
Park & Fly suggests that WAPSO members sign up for the rewards card. Should anyone have a rewards card now, they will need to sign into the profile and add the new discount code provided. The rewards card will track the discount number, the Aeroplan number and track down any free earned days.
Just double click on the rewards PDF attachment below and it will re-direct you to Park & Fly site. Once on the Park & Fly site, please just fill out the information. Please allow 2-3 weeks for the card to arrive.